Yesterday mum, dad, Uncle Mick & Auntie Sally went for a drive to see some of the River Murray in flood. So myself along with Petunia and Rodney jumped into the back of the Nissan Patrol and off we all went.
Lots of talk about how low the river has been over the years of late. Uncle Mick & Auntie Sally have spent many a weekend or holiday with their caravan camping along the river. So did mum & dad until dad got too sick for it.
We have some cool photos to show you too.
Me first though.........then sis and Rod........

We had lunch at a lock near Renmark. Both families brought different foods for a share picnic on the lawns near the water edge. No pelicans though? We didn't see a pelican at all for the whole day.

We stopped at Waikerie for a break and another cuppa here. Check out the riverfront, we saw people fishing.

Isn't she a beauty. I found the Murray River Queen in Waikerie while we were taking a break.

That is Terry the ferry operator. He was showing me how to steer the ferry and we had a chat about how the water was really smelly back a week or so ago. Guess what?? Terry is a butcher!!!!
Oink!!! He came over to our car and told us as we were ready to leave. Crikey I nearly wet myself when I heard that. I think if I was told that while sitting on the controls I would not have crossed my legs.....heheheh

We crossed the mighty Murray 5 times over the day and each time the operators were really nice and waved to us as we left. One guy had a beard like the guys from the group ZZ Tops.

Look at all that water.........My mum said the last time she saw water like this was in 1974 (boy she's old) Ouch!! Mum just read that and flicked my ear. Mum and her family did a trip like this one to see the waters.

I wanted to go for a swim, but I got stuck. I thought while I swam they could have had a cuppa.

This is me at Lock 1 at Blanchtown.

Look at all that water behind me. So glad I didn't fall in. The green stuff floating on the water is called "duck weed".

Mum took me up real close to see the water.

Howdy! I'm showing you the Kingston Bridge on the Murray. Lots of water flowing and heaps of back water areas flooding out around the area. Australia sure is a beautiful country.

Here I am at another lock, somewhere. Mum forgot to write down where this photo was taken.
technorati tags: Australia, Murray River, percy, petunia, Rodney,, pigs, soft toys, South Australia,