Thursday, June 17, 2010

As My Piglets Grow

As Percy and Petunia grow and travel the world, I guess it only fair that a romance or two will develop.

On Petunia's first over seas trip she met Rodney in the USA.

Thank goodness no little accidents occurred and all is sweet.

Rodney has come over on a visa for a while and if all goes well, they may get married.

So here is a closeup photo of Rodney in my sewing room.

He's very charming and a little bit bigger in size to both Percy and Petunia. Maybe its to do with him being a razorback breed???

He knows to behave himself and act like a gentleman as well or his visa will be revoked and he's on the next plane out of here. mrgreen

Also he's blind to the fact Petunia's ears a "bit different" that goes a long way in my books.

Rodney has only 1 fault sad his catch cry....sigh

Marinated pork spare ribs are yummo!!

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  1. He's a ham-some lad, that's for sure! :D

  2. Also he's blind to the fact Petunia's ears a "bit different" that goes a long way in my books.

    Love is blind...just as well

  3. he's a hairy wee beastie, that's for sure!
